• Who is the ideal patient for Viberect® device?

Ideal Patients: Mild to Moderate ED, ED after prostate cancer treatment, poor rigidity, spinal cord injury Ejaculatory dysfunction.

Penile vibratory stimulation works best for men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction, and it can help men recover from pelvic surgery. It can also help men who have suffered spinal cord injury to obtain ejaculation.

Men with severe erectile dysfunction can combine penile vibratory stimulation with other modalities to improve response.

The Viberect® Penile Vibratory Therapy System is ideally suited for treating men that:

• Experience erectile dysfunction (both physical and psychological).
• Require prostate cancer related penile rehabilitation (to be used both before and after prostate cancer treatment).
• Have problems in achieving orgasm and or ejaculation (Inhibited/ Delayed Ejaculation Disorder).

  • How does Viberect® work?

Millions of nerve receptors (antennas) line the surface of the penis. These nerves communicate with important sexual centers in the brain and spinal cord. These nerves play a critical role in the physiology of sexual response.

Sexual arousal (erotic thoughts, sights, genital stimulation, etc.) lead to excitation of sacral spinal cord sexual centers. Their activation leads to a complex cascade of events which cause the penis to fill with blood. In order to achieve firmness, the blood must be prevented from leaking out of the corpora erection chambers) of the penis.

Many important muscles are strategically located around the base of the penis, which scientists believe are greatly responsible for stabilizing the penis during rigidity phase of erection. They help squeeze the veins to prevent blood from leaving the penis; hence strengthening the rigidity and maintenance of erection.

For men without ED, all nerves, muscles, and vessels responsible for erection are optimized, and they effortlessly play in perfect harmony. However, as we get older, less healthy, depressed, over-medicated, or have interventions for cancer, then the Nerve/Vessel/Muscle triad plays out of tune. There is less flow, less excitement, less firmness due to venous leakage, and so on.

The proprietary Viberect® method mimics rapid and repetitive manual/vaginal stimulation of the penis, which is an important aspect of sexual behavior of humans and higher mammals. Simultaneous vibratory stimulation of both surfaces of the penis at high frequency (70-110 Hz (hertz) for about 7-10 minutes can provoke penile erection and ejaculation by amplifying sexual pathways.

  • Does the Viberect device have any side-effects and is it US-FDA certified?

No. The Viberect® is US FDA and CE approved and that won’t happen if there is any side-effect.

Certifications of The Viberect®:


CE (European Union)

ISO 13485:2003

CMDCAS, Health Canada

TGA (Australia)

EN 60601-3, India